Baron is vital part of Boynton Family Dental Arts. He is Dr. Boynton's 5 year old Bearded Collie and his role, as our certified therapy dog, is to help our patients. Anxieties can become heightened for some patients when they visit the dentist and Baron's friendly and gentle nature helps relieve those anxieties. Whether he's there to let you pet him or just lay next to you on the floor, he knows just what every visitor needs. Baron is at the office every day "working", with the exception of his bi-weekly hair appointment, so be sure to say hello to him!
Benefits of Therapy Dogs in Healthcare
Lift spirits
Provide comfort
Encourages communication in patients
Reduce anxiety
The simple act of petting a dog can lower blood pressure, reduce pain and produce an automatic relaxation response.
Frequently Asked Questions...
What if I am allergic to dogs?
Bearded Collies have a unique coat on them that is similar to human hair. Because of this, they do not carry the same amount of dander on them that a typical dog carries. This also means that he doesn't shed! If Baron loses hair it is usually due to it being pulled out, just as if someone had pulled on a human's hair. But that doesn't mean it never happens! With all of that hair it does sometimes get stepped on. You will never hear Baron complain about it though. He loves coming to work and in his 5yrs at the practice, we have yet to find one person allergic to him.
Who takes care of Baron at night and on the weekends?
Baron goes home with Dr. Boynton every evening and on the weekends. When Dr. Boynton is out of town for dental meetings or on vacation with his family other members of our team love to take care of him!
Can we pet him and play with him?
Absolutely! Baron loves the attention and affection from all of our patients and visitors! The most amazing part of his training is that he can also sense when he is not wanted or should stay away. So patients with animal anxieties need not worry, he will respect your wishes!
Can I bring him a treat?
As much as we know Baron would love that, we also don't want to see his stomach get upset! So, we keep treats on hand at the office that are gentle on his tummy, he loves and any patient that wants to give him one is free to do so!